After 3 long months, all 3 applications to council have been approved. Ahhhhh....... We can demolish, build and put in a pool. One neighbour in particular is not going to be happy - they objected to the pool (acoustics & loss of privacy) and the house (privacy & loss of sun).
"An objection was
received in regards to the two storey dwelling-house resulting in a
loss of privacy to the adjoining property in Gxxxxx Avenue. The first floor windows serve bedrooms and bathrooms only, in
accordance with the prescriptive measures of the Privacy element.
The single window on the first floor facing the objectors property is
setback over 26 metres from this adjoining property.
As a consequence, the development would have negligible adverse
privacy impacts, the proposal meets the objectives of the Privacy
element and is considered acceptable."
"An objection was received
in regards to the two storey structure causing a loss of solar access
to the rear western property. The shadows cast from the
proposal would allow at least 4 hours of sunshine to the private open
space required for adjacent and proposed dwelling-houses on 22 June
(the winter solstice). The shadows cast from the
proposal would allow north facing windows to living areas of adjacent
and proposed dwelling-houses to receive 3 hours of sunshine over a
portion of their surface on 22 June. The proposal meets
the prescriptive measures and objectives of the Solar Access element
and is considered acceptable."
Fortunately Council didn't seem to think they were legitimate reasons to protest. Can't wait for our first pool party!
Hornsby Council themselves did have a concern over the design initially-
"The proposed 12.9m unbroken wall length of the northern elevation
does not comply with the prescriptive measures of the Design element
which requires that walls not exceed 10m without a physical “break”.
A balance between solid walls and openings and variations of roof
form has been incorporated into the elevations to avoid a monotonous
or symmetrical design.
On that basis, the proposal would have negligible adverse visual or
amenity impacts to the adjoining properties, meets the objectives of
the Design element and is considered acceptable."
Eden Brae can't move onto the next step until they have a hard copy of the determination. Grrrr.... This paperwork took 2 weeks to be put in the mail for the pool DA. I wonder if I can print it off and send it to them rather than waiting for Council to do it?? The information is all on the website for public record. Not sure why they don't accept it.
Anyway, happy days here until the next hiccup! Enjoy your weekend. I am celebrating 11 years of wedded bliss with my wonderful husband. Awwwww....