About Me

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EDIT - Now a 'work at the local school' mum a few days a week while juggling the job of parenting 3 teenagers! I am a SAHM who does work from home occasionally, dedicated to raising 3 Godly, independent, healthy children. Loving the home building process though it is not without challenges. I have fairly free reign over the creative aspect of the project...just not the financial side!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The saga continues!

Oh my! I think our days of using our broker are nearly over. More hassle than they are worth. I received a call last night from the 'angel' informing me of the most current issue ie. because our new contract value with EBH is less than the original contract, there are ramifications for the valuation of the house which impacts of the loan. Our case now needs to go to the certification team and the valuer for re-assessment. I was promised that others would deal with it within the 'angel' office before our angel returned to work today at 2pm.
I left a message for our broker this morning asking for a return call with an update. Nothing! In the meantime, I rang the accounts manager at EBH to update & to have a cry on her shoulder ;-) Shirley gave me more information than Mortgage Choice have. She told me that I would need to submit the final variations list plus amount to CBA and/or they would need to draw up a new contract altogether. Obviously, this payment isn't forthcoming to EBH any time soon.
I scanned all the documents in waiting to 'hit the button' when requested. I, of course did not hear from Mortgage Choice until I called the 'angel' at 2:15pm. The information was sent (could have been sent 4 hours earlier if I had been contacted as promised) and I received this email back later this afternoon
"All the documentation that we sent to CBA is due to be looked at tomorrow, I have escalated this matter again for you. Julie from our office is going to touch base with CBA tomorrow morning and she will update you."
Now that was the promise I had yesterday with no follow through. We have let the broker know how we are feeling about the situation. Let's see if we get any serious action from them. This is unprofessional to say the least.

Monday, April 8, 2013

And a quick update on bank payment

Not yet finalized though there are promises of this afternoon being bandied around! Grrr...
Fortunately Eden Brae are being very understanding from my communications with them and aren't about to put tools down just yet ;-)

Top storey on

Can just see the alfresco roof peaking out the back

Stacker doors for around the alfresco
Window delivery

 Awful amount of rubbish on site :-(

Friday, April 5, 2013

Progress on the build & with the bank

Preparations were made today to move on up to the next storey and according to one of my neighbours there was electrical work done today as part of his precious lawn was dug up :-( A great way to meet your new neighbour.

I received an email from my Mortgage angel
"This afternoon CBA has confirmed receiving all the information that I sent yesterday, it is going to get actioned on Monday so i will check again and will update you."
I very politely thanked her instead of ranting & raving about not sending it earlier, saving us all a big headache. Stayed tuned to see if Eden Brae get paid for the work they finished a few weeks ago!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Electrical plan

Quite a few people have been asking me of late about our electrical plan  -  what we added for the huge upgrade and how much individual items were. I will add in the cover page for our electrical selections but I warn you, it is quite confusing. Even our consultant admitted that it isn't the easiest document to follow for the average punter. Some items are listed with a cost price even though they are included in our package eg. exhaust fans, smoke detectors. Craig gave me an explanation at the time which seemed reasonable.

Moving forward but still waiting....

Upon hearing from our Mortgage Broker late this afternoon, it appears we have some progress. It seems that CBA were unaware that we had made ANY payments for the pool as the receipts we forwarded diligently to our 'Mortgage Angel' as requested, had not been then sent to the bank. These receipts have now gone to CBA so we are waiting to hear that all is OK for our slab payment tone finalised. One stressful day!

Impeccable timing - NOT!

The landscape quote from Outback Landscapes came through yesterday right in the midst of sorting out the bank issues. Whilst I was reasonably happy with the quote considering the scope of work & the size of our land, my Mr Finance was not. I did include my big wish of semi frameless glass for the pool fencing. There is only a difference of about $3.5K between that & aluminium fencing. Well worth it, I say, as long as it is the kids job to clean it! I have also asked about masonry retaining walls out the front of the house and along the side - this will add another $2-3K to the quote.
 I will sit on this for a while and possibly get another quote from a local company for comparison.

I tried to post the quote without actual figures and personal identifying information. It was all edited out but when I uploaded to this blog, the information magically reappeared?