About Me

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EDIT - Now a 'work at the local school' mum a few days a week while juggling the job of parenting 3 teenagers! I am a SAHM who does work from home occasionally, dedicated to raising 3 Godly, independent, healthy children. Loving the home building process though it is not without challenges. I have fairly free reign over the creative aspect of the project...just not the financial side!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Facade changes and brick progress

Up close of the area above portico

Up close of the brick colour
You will notice the cover page of the blog has the representation of the house with the render added. We made the decision to stick with Mountain Shadow on both the render and the cladding. Pretty sure we did the right thing and if not, it is easy enough (!) to change the cladding colour later on. The brick colour is a fair bit darker than the picture as you can see by the photos and the other thing is that the fascia above the front cladding will be done in Monument.
Thanks to AJ from (redo) my space who spent extra time this weekend mulling over colours for me and visiting the site to peer through the fences.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

More facade news

"Whilst checking this all out, I have also discovered that a section of the facade is not listed to be rendered as per the advertised facade either. The area above the stackstone under the cladding on the roof gable is supposed to be rendered. We haven't paid for it to be built like that though we did ask for the Boston facade as per the website. Again, an oversight on the part of the Tender presenter that we also signed off on. This one is much easier to fix - it just involves money. Don't think we will do anything about it."

Word has come back this afternoon that for almost $2K, EBH will allow us to change this back to how it is pictured on their website. Now I say YES, I think we will do it but it then raises a paint change colour for the cladding just above it. Not entirely sure what colour but it needs to be lighter  - either garage door (Dune) or windows (off white) or stackstone colouring. Waiting to hear back from my trusty colour person, AJ from redo my space.

Di Lorenzo

What? A post about Di Lorenzo at this stage of the build? Funny how things happen, eh? Last night at my daughters netball training, I was talking to another Mum who has recently started working for Di Lorenzo tiles in the Accounts Department. I thought I was fairy safe having a little whinge about the customer service & processes as this was not her area ;-) I suggested that Di Lorenzo have a look at the HOMEONE forums for informal feedback on how their customers view their products and service.
I received a call on my mobile phone from the General Manager, Raph, today. (waving HI to him!!)  I am still flabbergasted that he took my concerns seriously enough to take the time to call. In fact, it seems he has already taken my concerns seriously from reading my blog last year (directed to my blog by the CS Manager) Changes have been made to Di Lorenzo since my issues - a new estimator and a new admin person in the carpet area. Sort of offered me a job too LOL. With a wink & a nudge which of course he couldn't see via the phone, I asked him to note on my file that I need the VERY best tilers that Di Lorenzo have to offer sent to tile our house.

I am also writing this as it is very quiet on our site for some reason. No brickies yesterday or today. Not sure what is happening. Bricks are there in supply, the sun is shining, we have paid our bills.... Come back to work please!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Getting to final stage of brickwork

I think only that top section to brick now

Actually some at the back too as I can see loads of sunlight

The pillars of concern! Already more used to them ;-)

Facade Update

Well the decision has been made to leave it as is and hopefully once it is all completed and with time, I will get used to it. Without final costings, the rough estimation to change it was going to be about 4 weeks delay (ouch!), $4000 and all to get a gap of 200mm. The cost in both time and money was not going to get an outcome I was happy with either so it has been decided to move forward. Relief from everyone at Eden Brae, I am sure, though they were happy to do whatever they could to ensure I am pleased with the final outcome.

Whilst checking this all out, I have also discovered that a section of the facade is not listed to be rendered as per the advertised facade either. The area above the stackstone under the cladding on the roof gable is supposed to be rendered. We haven't paid for it to be built like that though we did ask for the Boston facade as per the website. Again, an oversight on the part of the Tender presenter that we also signed off on. This one is much easier to fix - it just involves money. Don't think we will do anything about it.

Both of these oversights highlight the importance of good communication every step of the way and the need to take time to discuss the build with your client. We asked for the Boston facade as per the photo on the website and trusted our builder to either put that into the tender document or explain why it could not be done like that. Saves great disappointment later on. Having said that, if these are the worst headaches we have during the build, we will be doing well. Such first world problems...

Monday, April 29, 2013

Brick update and some graffiti

Graffiti tag

Other side of the portaloo

Graffiti on sign

And another

Friday, April 26, 2013

House Number for letterbox

One of my fellow HomeOne members has ordered this for their newly built house. I really like it too. What do you think??

 Modern House Numbers