About Me

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EDIT - Now a 'work at the local school' mum a few days a week while juggling the job of parenting 3 teenagers! I am a SAHM who does work from home occasionally, dedicated to raising 3 Godly, independent, healthy children. Loving the home building process though it is not without challenges. I have fairly free reign over the creative aspect of the project...just not the financial side!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Oh my!

Just discovered this today. The handrail is coming away from our hugely expensive, upgraded staircase. Of course, this is mere days after our Maintenance Inspection. Funny how we had a cheaply installed staircase at our previous home that after 11 years was showing no sign whatsoever of falling apart. We have been here 4 months - disappointing.
I will be in contact with Eden Brae to see what can be done and at this stage, who's responsibility it is?